Saturday, August 29, 2009

Flying like a Eagle & letting go of that something

The first part of Micah 6:4 says "For I brought thee up out of the land of Egypt, and redeemed thee out of the house of bondage;
As I was thinking the last few days about how and what I was going to say in this weeks edition and I began to think about life itself. And how we(Christians) go through life and every time it seems that we have gotten a victory we have to suffer another set back. And the more I thought about this the clearer it became. It is a "ME" problem! You see, God is always there, waiting,wanting, desiring that we would seek him. But, usually it seems that generally we want to run/handle things until we have a problem. And not just any old problem, just the ones that are to BIG for us to handle. When in all reality we should allow God to work in our lives at all times, not just when it seems prudent/needful at that moment. And when we do mess up or have a bad day we want to blame the "FLESH." Well, if we are a sanctified, Jesus Name believer and filled with his precious spirit.....................Shouldn't we be "Walking in the Spirit" at all times??

It is when we are in the flesh and in those weak moments that's the devil will smack use in the face with this or that. Pick it, what ever your weakness is. Maybe it is pornography, or maybe laziness, or maybe you have a UN-controlled tongue, i.e. a filthy mouth. It doesn't matter which one is your poison. You see, the devil knows his time is limited, don't take my word for it search the Word. One day and one not to far away a single Angel is going to take Satan and bind him and take him to the pits of hell where he will be for 1000 years.
And in the mean time the devil is going to try what ever he can to tempt, bother, you to do things, say things and watch or hear things you shouldn't. As we go through our walk with God it is easy to let our guard down.
Mark14:38 says, "Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak." And since we are weak we need strength. The strength I'm speaking of is spiritual strength. The Bible also says, "The joy of the Lord is our strength." The devil knows if through whatever means he can steal our joy, well the strength wont be there.

It was a story I heard that really made me deeply self reflect this week about my walk with God. And whether I am really doing all I need to do daily. It went something like this. There was this boy that was fascinated with eagles, so he went with his father to this place where they might spot some. While hiking with his father they came across a eagle that was dead. This eagle was lying face down. When they picked they eagle up they found a dead badger under it.You see what happened was the great and powerful eagle in his daily flight through life did what he always did. Exactly what he wanted! He saw something that looked like a meal and he swooped down and grabbed it. But, what he was soon to learn was this "THING" he had picked up with the intent to do what he always did, was not the same old thing.
But, rather then drop it, get rid of it, he hung on out of selfish hunger.And ultimately it cost him........It took his life! This happen everyday to God's children. You know its the little things that get us, they add up over time. At first when notice the foul language in that TV show or that conversation. But, we don't change the channel or tune to another radio program right away. And over time we are DE-sensitised to UN-godly things.
2Ch 7:14 says "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."
I hope this prompts all who read it to put some thoughts into what you are picking up & whether you are putting it down or is it going to kill you spiritually and eventually literally. God Bless everyone. And till next time remember JESUS is our Beginning and End,Blessed and only Ruler,Bread of God,Bread of Life,Bridegroom,Capstone,Chief Cornerstone,Chief Shepherd!

Monday, August 24, 2009

The More I Seek Him! (Jesus)

The words to this song are a very moving to those that love the Lord. As I began to listen to them, I started thinking about the words of this song and what it really means to "US" the alleged believers , who claim Jesus Christ as our personal Saviour. The words are as follows....................

"The more I seek you.......The more I find you......The more I find you The more I love you.......I want to sit at your feet.....Drink from the cup in your hand......Lay back against you and breath......Feel your heartbeat........This love is so deep....... It's more than I can stand .....I melt in your peace......It's overwhelming."

  1. Verse 1 says "The more I seek you, The more I find you!"

Reading from the Book of Psalms 24:6 it says, "This is the generation of them that seek after him, that seek thy face, O God of Jacob."

After reading that scripture I began to question myself and those around me. What am I doing in my life? Are we really "SEEKING" God? Is this the top priority in my daily walk? And to be totally transparent............The answer is NO! Who am I kidding? Those around me.....maybe! My family......possibly! My fellow saints of God @ church............probably! But, I am not fooling JESUS!

As I walk through my daily life and gripe and complain about all my insignificant little problems, I begin to realize how much he has done for me. But, yet how little I have done for him. You see God, came to earth and robed himself in flesh as Jesus(Col2:9) and went to Calvary for mine and your sins. You see, that was a decision and not just a quick and easy choice. OH NO! This was done in all sincerity and out of total UN-adulterated Love for us. I have often times through out my last few years working in ministry counseled with young people and "attempted" (attempted is in quotes, meaning not sure they "heard me") and have tried to explain the "LOVE" is NOT..............Let me say that again LOVE IS NOT A FEELING!

But, rather a decision. You see Jesus was 100% GOD! But, at the same time was 100% man. He made a decision that day at Calvary to do what he did and shed his blood for our sins.
Mat 26:39(RV) says....And he went forward a little, and fell on his face, and prayed, saying, O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass away from me: nevertheless, not as I will, but as thou wilt.

Pay close attention to the last part of the verse, it says, Nevertheless or yet or however or still............not my will but your will! WOW! If that is not a SINCERE decision in Love!!!!

So many times in our walk with God it is not sincere nor legit. I mean really, lets just be honest with ourselves for a minute. We go to church with the attitude helped created by so called TV Evangelist/preachers and "Prosperity Ministries" that our relationship with Jesus Christ should cost us nothing! The Pastor preaches for us, the seats are padded for us, the heat & air is on for us, the Sunday School babysits our kids for us and the choir sings for us. Well, I am writing today to to let myself and other now this is not true.

You see we go to church with the lazy attitude that "I have to do this or that!" NO! You get to worship........The Psalmist David said so many elegant and lovely things in his book and I dearly love it all. The very first word of chapter 100 is "MAKE" that means FORCE yourselves. We get to worship God, we get to dance before the Lord, we get to pay our tithes, we get to teach Bible studies. I want to be a SINCERE CHRISTIAN. How can I expect to have a Sincere line of communication with Jesus Christ when I'm not doing what I should. As I close this blog for today I am reminded of a sermon I heard many years ago. It was simply titled "Jesus is a gentleman!" I try to remind myself of this all the time. He will never force himself on us. Nor will he put his will with ours, we must put ours with his.

May God richly Bless those that read this and may God prompt us all to be Sincerely in Love with him. And may everything about our walk be done in a sincere manner.Till next time remember JESUS is our Advocate,the Almighty, the Alpha and Omega, the Apostle of our Profession, the Atoning Sacrifice for our Sins,the Author of Life, the Author and Perfecter of our Faith and the Author of Salvation !